a coastal garden


exposed, windy, East, West, North, South

Elie, coastal village


Loose naturalistic planting tempered by geometry and formality.

sea, Elie

The juxtaposition of maintained and less maintained; formal and informal.

Celebrating the changing seasons by using a mix of ornamental grasses, herbaceous perennials, trees and shrubs. A garden as a non static place. Constantly changing and evolving.

Creating different moods, a sense of a journey, garden rooms.

Highlighting the mood of sunshine - sunny, part shade, full shade areas, and selecting the planting for these conditions.

The planting is implemented into already existing beds. Some shrubs and trees are planted into the lawn area around the garden.

coastal garden, small trees, shrubs


Calamagrostis × acutiflora 'Waldenbuch' acts as a screen. It is repeated around the garden is small groups. It provides a vertical accent and adds to the seasonal interest.

Some small evergreen shrubs and conifers are planted in groups of two and three along the path and in the rectangle areas of the lawn, breaking the geometry of the space.

Two areas on both sides of the entrance are north facing, therefore shade and semi-shade tolerant planting is proposed, consisting mainly of herbaceous perennials. The planting is planted around existing shrubs and trees.

The proposed multi stem trees, and mid-sized shrubs are underplanted with ornamental grasses and herbaceous perennials.

garden border, coastal garden, planting, garden design
garden border, coastal garden
planting, garden border
garden border, planting design
Garden border, coastal planting
elderberry, planting, garden border
planting, ferns, geranium
planting in a shade, ferns, hellebore

a garden border


a small urban garden